Feeling dry eyes when wearing contact lenses? Not anymore..!

Often contact lens users, especially after a few hours of wearing them, have a burning sensation in their eyes. This condition is called dry eye, which comes from poor quality/quantity of our tears, or from staying in an air-conditioned environment, or from poor quality contact lenses.
The solution comes with Cooper Vision's 3rd generation PREMIUM monthly contact lenses.You will forget that you are wearing them. They stand out among the rest of the monthly contact lenses for the unique Aquaform® technology, which minimizes the sensation of dry eyes. It is the ideal solution for sensitive eyes.
They can correct all ametropia:
Mυωπικοί/υπερμετρωπικοί Premium,
Aστιγματικοί Premium,
Πολυεστιακοί Premium.