When do night driving and car lights bother you?

Issue: Many drivers complain that they are too tired to drive at night, focusing on the fact that the lights of oncoming cars dazzle their vision and strain their eyes. But is bright light at night the ultimate culprit?
The causes:-It is known that, in sunlight or sufficient artificial lighting at night, all the photoreceptors in the retina of our eyes are activated, and therefore we have better vision. Instead, in a dark environment fewer photoreceptors are activated, and when added to it intense light radiation, for example from car lights, causes annoying glare.
-But main cause of blurred and tired night vision, is that many of us are not wearing the correct correction in our eyes. Even a slight nearsightedness or farsightedness, or a change in our degrees, makes us see the objects around us larger and dimmer. And these small degrees during the day may not be particularly disturbing, but in combination with bad lighting or even bright lights at night, they result in absolute discomfort to our eyes.
The most susceptible group of people:All of us are candidates for the above discomfort, but it is easier for people who have never worn glasses to get it. Reaching the age of 40 and over, presbyopia appears, which although it concerns blurry near vision, it is statistically clear that from 45 years and over, many people "unlock" a small hypermetropia for far, which we wrongly neglect.
The solutions:
1st step, is to determine with an optometry, if there is any small refractive problem (degrees) for far.
2nd step, is to make glasses for far, which contain (if any) our far degrees, combining them with the appropriate coating of eye lenses, which filters the high energy (400-420nm) coming from the lights. The combination of the two solutions above will rest our eyes, and we will see properly, regardless of the lighting conditions.
Cost of lenses that filter high energy (400-420nm) ≈80€