Modern man spends many hours in front of screens. It is difficult to imagine our life without computers and mobile phones, but they tire our eyes, so it is worth taking care of them.

The reasons:
-More and more professions use computers as tools. Even if this relationship between profession and computer does not exist, expert studies have shown that the average modern person spends 3 hours every day in front of a mobile or tablet screen, just to check the time, social media, emails etc.
-In addition, mobile/computer/tablet screens and even the lamps in our homes are now LED technology, emitting high-energy harmful blue light (wavelengths 400-420 nm).

The problems:
-This digital habit can result in blurred distant vision after long hours of close work, eye fatigue, dry eyes, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.
-Harmful blue light emitted by screens accelerates the aging of our eyes (think of the bluish-white color of the pupils of a young child, as opposed to the pale of the pupils of an elderly person), and most importantly contributes (without being the lady proven cause) to the onset of macular or retinopathy, such as the increasingly common macular degeneration.

The solutions:
Frequent breaks and moisturizing eye drops. The 20-20-20 rule is suggested. Every 20 minutes of near work, we focus far away at 20 meters, for 20 seconds, as well as a moisturizing drop of collyrium, in each eye every 8 hours (recommended Sodyal®More).
2nd) Regardless of what type of ametropia one has (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, presbyopia), it is recommended that the glasses be manufactured with cutting-edge lens technology Shamir Relax. On whatever degrees everyone has, and regardless of age, these eye lenses provide an aid-relaxation of the vision from the middle of the lens and down, where are the zones that we focus on for our close "digital" activities , without at the same time spoiling our distant vision. Even if one has no points for far, we apply this progressive aid-relaxation to ungraded ophthalmic lenses to relax near "digital" vision.
3rd) Coating: The conventional type of multi-coatings that we have known so far do not help with the protection from blue light. They need the appropriate coatings (blueblock 400-420nm) to block this harmful light.

Shamir Relax Lenses Cost ≈190€

*In terms of aesthetics, both the special coating and the relax technique are not visible, and are not noticed by a third party.
*The above lenses cannot be ordered online as they require measurements by the wearer.